amortization schedule calculator

Free amortization schedule calculator that estimates your bi-weekly and monthly loan payments and generates an amortization table.

amortization calculator

Our amortization schedule calculator will help you to figure out the payment on a loan and will provide you the interest and principal breakdown per payment as well as the annual interest, principal and loan balance after each payment.

You often require a loan amortization table like this to do your taxes, or you may just be interested in knowing how much you still owe on your car or your home loan.

For each calculation we offer the printable version of the results (document style layout) and we also offer downloadable spreadsheets as well.

Loan amortization calculator

The amount that you owe or wish to borrow.


close (x)

Loan amount should be a number! Comma "," can be used as a digit grouping symbol. Please use the dot as a decimal symbol.

Example amount: 150,000.00

Annual interest rate paid for the borrowed money.


close (x)

Interest must be given in a number format and the decimal symbol must be a dot!

Example interest rate: 4.25

Length can be entered either in months or years.




Select the appropriate payment frequency below.

please select

Enter a start date or leave empty for today's date.


An amortization schedule or amortizing loan schedule is a table detailing every single payment during the life of the loan. Each of these loan payments are split into interest and principal. Principal is the borrowed money, and interest is the amount paid to the lender for borrowing the principal. A loan payment schedule calculator shows you how much part of each payment is allocated to interest and to principal. The amortization tables are generated by an amortization calculator like ours.

New: use this mortgage amortization calculator if you need to add extra payments to your calculation. You can add extra contribution to every single payment, annually recurring extra payments and one-time lump sum payments as well.